Journalist Visa Media

Journalist Visa

A. Journalist traveling on Work or as a Tourist

Journalist visas are given to professional journalists and photographers for up to three months' stay in India. Journalists, Editors/Writers of Television networks and Radio Stations traveling to India on work or vacation are required to apply along with a copy of their Media Accreditation Card and/or a document from their organization describing clearly the nature of their work and whether they are traveling on work or as tourists.

B. Journalist visa for Documentary filming in India

Obtaining visa for the purpose of documentary film making in India is a two step process:

Step 1:

Applying for clearance of documentary film : Documentary film makers are required to obtain approval/clearance of the Government of India for filming a documentary in India, which may take 2 to 8 weeks’ time to come through. For obtaining clearance for a documentary film, the following documents are required to be submitted to the Consulate:

  •  The completed Application For filming documentaries In India (click here)
  • Signed Undertaking For Filming Documentaries In India (click here)
  • A detailed synopsis/treatment of the theme
  • Details of locations and visits schedule
  • Details of the producers and production company
  • List of crew members and cinematic equipment (click here) to be carried by them, to obtain customs permit for temporary import of cinematic equipment to India for Filming

Please send scan copy of all the above documents to the Consulate through:

 Step 2:

Applying for visa for documentary filming in India : On receipt of clearance from India, Consulate will issue a 'No Objection' for the documentary. Documentary Visa application may then be submitted to CKGS for journalist visa along with a copy of Consulate's No Objection. Upon receipt of customs permit for import of filming equipment, Consulate will issue a 'J' (Journalist ) Visa to the crew members for travel to India.

 C. Journalists Seeking to Work in Indian Media Organizations.

Journalists or intern journalists who intend to travel to India to work in Indian media organizations should apply for Employment ‘E’ visas. Employment Visa applicants are required to submit the following documents along with the visa application:

  • Request from the company
  • A copy of contract with the company
  • Registration details of the Indian company and
  • An undertaking from the Indian employer (click here)